


Patriots Touchdown Club

About the Patriots Touchdown Club

Patriots Touchdown Club is a newly established, nonprofit organization formed to support the Portsmouth Christian Varsity and JJV Football Programs. This organization will alleviate some of the financial burden that is now placed upon the parents through fundraising activities. We will also work with the Development Team at PCS to upgrade current facilities.

Mission Statement

The Patriots Touchdown Club's mission is to foster an environment that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for football. We understand that participation in high school athletics benefits everyone and promotes opportunities to build and strengthen relationships among all involved: the student body, coaches, teaching staff, parents and the community. 

The Touchdown Club strives to support athletic and academic excellence, create a winning school spirit and promote team unity through fundraising, community outreach, assisting with identifying and securing resources for development, and supporting the needs of the team.

Board Members

Napoleon Ellison

Nora Sims - Vice President/Secretary

Nicole Knox -Treasurer

Danny Wynne

Jennifer Franks

Tom Locke

Jessica Locke - President


*email if you are interested in serving as a Committee Member

Our Sponsors